The first page ( home page) of this site was created as a submission to a Dev Challenges.
As a result, in this project I used:
Vite + Vue 3 (Options and Composition API)
In some places, I used the PUG preprocessor for HTML, just to show that I can use it in VUE
CSS variables and SCSS
Vue Router for navigation
Pinia for storage management
Different layouts system for pages
I used gulp.js for optimize images and create WEBP images
And of course, it's a fully responsive website. The burger menu is implemented on the mobile device.
I made interesting feature on page "Github", on which you can enter any GitHub username and get information about
and allthis
public repositories.
i implement pagination component to show 5 repos on 1 page
user card component - which accept a string props "userName" - and render info after fetch data of this user.
I used the Swiper plugin for Vue. Not an easy one, but two, one is connected to the other. It turned out good, i think.
Instead of Lorem text, I used an API request and output 5 random phrases of famous people. it was also not an easy task to understand how Vue works with asynchronous requests.